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How the former president of Mexico helped make Coca-Cola such a huge part of Mexican life that it's used in religious ceremonies and as medicine

The story begins in the 1960s, long before Vicente Fox became the president of Mexico. Back then, Fox was working for Coca-Cola as a salesman, delivering Coke to local businesses. Fox said he would incentivize local businesses to become exclusive to Coca-Cola, rather than Pepsi.

How the former president of Mexico helped make Coca-Cola such a huge part of Mexican life that it's used in religious ceremonies and as medicine

In 1971, an iconic Coca-Cola ad campaign caught on in Mexico. Around the same time, Coca-Cola sponsored the Mexico City Olympics and, later, the World Cup. Coca-Cola marketing was everywhere in Mexico.

In 1971, an iconic Coca-Cola ad campaign caught on in Mexico. Around the same time, Coca-Cola sponsored the Mexico City Olympics and, later, the World Cup. Coca-Cola marketing was everywhere in Mexico.

After 10 years, the market share was on the side of Coca-Cola. So Fox got promoted.

After 10 years, the market share was on the side of Coca-Cola. So Fox got promoted.

Fox was angry about how anti-big-business the government was. But moving through the ranks of Coca-Cola meant dealing with politics.

Fox was angry about how anti-big-business the government was. But moving through the ranks of Coca-Cola meant dealing with politics.

One day, Fox said he was called into the presidential house. Then-President Luis Echeverría wanted the Coke recipe and to nationalize Coca-Cola and its bottlers.

One day, Fox said he was called into the presidential house. Then-President Luis Echeverría wanted the Coke recipe and to nationalize Coca-Cola and its bottlers.

To distract the president from his demand for the Coke formula, Fox said he and his team decided to show off the brand-new Coca-Cola shrimp farm. They were able to successfully distract Echeverría from trying to get the formula.

To distract the president from his demand for the Coke formula, Fox said he and his team decided to show off the brand-new Coca-Cola shrimp farm. They were able to successfully distract Echeverría from trying to get the formula.

Not long after that, Fox became president of Coca-Cola Mexico. But he wasn't satisfied in the position. In 1979, he returned to his family farm.

Not long after that, Fox became president of Coca-Cola Mexico. But he wasn

Several decades later, he decided to work for the public instead. In 2000, he won the Mexican presidency.

Several decades later, he decided to work for the public instead. In 2000, he won the Mexican presidency.

Fox said that some of his first donations while running his campaign came from Coca-Cola. Even though Fox's presidency disappointed many Mexicans, Coca-Cola's business boomed while he was in office.

Fox said that some of his first donations while running his campaign came from Coca-Cola. Even though Fox

Part of why Coke was growing so explosively in Mexico around the time of Fox's presidency is because of the North American Free Trade Agreement. Mexico joined NAFTA in 1994, and it became way cheaper to buy Coca-Cola in Mexico.

Part of why Coke was growing so explosively in Mexico around the time of Fox

It also became more accessible.

It also became more accessible.

In some parts of Mexico, it was cheaper and easier to find Coca-Cola than clean drinking water. Many malnourished communities needed the calories, so they began drinking more Coke.

In some parts of Mexico, it was cheaper and easier to find Coca-Cola than clean drinking water. Many malnourished communities needed the calories, so they began drinking more Coke.

There are some places where it's used in religious ceremonies, like at the "Coca-Cola Church" in the state of Chiapas. It's really the St. John's Church, but that's not what most people call it. A few decades ago, the religious leaders replaced a traditional alcohol with Coke. They use it for a variety of things like decoration and healing, and they drink it in ceremonies.

There are some places where it

But there was a downside to Coke's sudden spike in popularity — the diabetes rate doubled in Mexico between 2000 and 2007.

But there was a downside to Coke

Mexicans drink, on average, more than 700 cups of Coke a year — nearly double what we drink in the US.

Mexicans drink, on average, more than 700 cups of Coke a year — nearly double what we drink in the US.
