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Here's what life is like on the border between India and Pakistan, one of the world's most disputed regions

The border between India and Pakistan is based on the Radcliffe Line, drawn in the weeks before Partition by Sir Cyril Radcliffe, who had never been to Asia. His attempts to divide the subcontinent based on religion resulted in sectarian clashes and between 500,000 and a million people were killed.

Here's what life is like on the border between India and Pakistan, one of the world's most disputed regions

India and Pakistan have fought three wars, starting almost immediately after partition. Two of the three wars were fought expressly over Kashmir. When the countries were separated during partition, the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir decided to become part of India, angering Pakistan, which supported several insurgencies.

India and Pakistan have fought three wars, starting almost immediately after partition. Two of the three wars were fought expressly over Kashmir. When the countries were separated during partition, the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir decided to become part of India, angering Pakistan, which supported several insurgencies.

Many Kashmiris hope for independence, or to be ruled by Pakistan instead of India, according to the BBC.

Residents of border towns must deal with violence between India and Pakistan, While there hasn't been an all-out war in decades, terror attacks and military engagements are not uncommon.

Residents of border towns must deal with violence between India and Pakistan, While there hasn

The border is often closed due to fighting or to terror incidents. In November 2014, for example, a Pakistani Taliban suicide bomber killed dozens at the Wagah border.

The border is often closed due to fighting or to terror incidents. In November 2014, for example, a Pakistani Taliban suicide bomber killed dozens at the Wagah border.

Source: BBC

The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, in the Pakistani border state of Punjab, is the second-largest mosque in Pakistan, with a capacity of 100,000 worshipers.

The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, in the Pakistani border state of Punjab, is the second-largest mosque in Pakistan, with a capacity of 100,000 worshipers.

Lahore Fort in Lahore's Walled City is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It has Hindu and Mughal motifs in its design and is "a unique and exceptional testimony to the Mughal civilization at the height of its artistic and aesthetic accomplishments, in the 16th and 17th centuries."

Lahore Fort in Lahore

The Mughal Empire ruled parts of the Indian subcontinent starting in the early 16th century.

Source: Unesco

India's Rajasthan, which borders Pakistan, is mostly desert. It's majority Hindu, with some Muslim, Sikh, and Jain populations.


In February, about 40 Indian Central Reserve Police Force troops were killed by a car bomb. Jaish-e-Mohammed, an extremist group based in Pakistan and which aims to unite Kashmir and Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the attack. Afterward, The Indian air force conducted an exercise in Pokhran, Rajasthan.

In February, about 40 Indian Central Reserve Police Force troops were killed by a car bomb. Jaish-e-Mohammed, an extremist group based in Pakistan and which aims to unite Kashmir and Pakistan, claimed responsibility for the attack. Afterward, The Indian air force conducted an exercise in Pokhran, Rajasthan.

Source: BBC

An Indian air force base in Pathankot, in the Indian state of Punjab, was attacked in 2016. A coalition of Kashmiri groups, the United Jihad Council, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it opposed Indian rule of Kashmir.

An Indian air force base in Pathankot, in the Indian state of Punjab, was attacked in 2016. A coalition of Kashmiri groups, the United Jihad Council, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it opposed Indian rule of Kashmir.

Source: BBC

The Indian border state of Punjab is the home of the Sikh religion. Sikhism is monotheistic, and it's the fifth-largest faith in the world. Sikh men wear a turban to cover their hair, which Sikhism dictates they do not cut.

The Indian border state of Punjab is the home of the Sikh religion. Sikhism is monotheistic, and it

Punjab was divided during Partition; there's a Pakistani Punjab, but most Sikh live in Indian Punjab.

Source: Religion News Service

Shri Harmandir Sahib, known as the Golden Temple, is located in Amritsar, India, and is the most significant pilgrimage site for Sikhs. Shown here at night, it's located about 18 miles from the Pakistan border.

Shri Harmandir Sahib, known as the Golden Temple, is located in Amritsar, India, and is the most significant pilgrimage site for Sikhs. Shown here at night, it

Designated terror groups, like Lakshar-e-Taiba (LeT), operate within Pakistan. LeT was blamed for a terror attack in Mumbai, India, in 2008, which killed 164 people. Hafiz Saeed, who started LeT, was arrested in Pakistan. Groups like LeT advocate the end of Indian influence in Kashmir.

Designated terror groups, like Lakshar-e-Taiba (LeT), operate within Pakistan. LeT was blamed for a terror attack in Mumbai, India, in 2008, which killed 164 people. Hafiz Saeed, who started LeT, was arrested in Pakistan. Groups like LeT advocate the end of Indian influence in Kashmir.

Saeed has been arrested and released in Pakistan several times, most recently in July.

Source: CNN, CIA World Factbook

Kashmir is a heavily disputed between India and Pakistan. India, Pakistan, and China all control parts of Kashmir, but India controls the largest portion — 45%.

Kashmir is a heavily disputed between India and Pakistan. India, Pakistan, and China all control parts of Kashmir, but India controls the largest portion — 45%.

The Line of Control (LoC) divides Indian-controlled Kashmir from Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. It was set up in 1948, after India and Pakistan fought their first war over the territories of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Line of Control (LoC) divides Indian-controlled Kashmir from Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. It was set up in 1948, after India and Pakistan fought their first war over the territories of Jammu and Kashmir.

Source: BBC

The LoC is about 450 miles long and lined with barbed wire.

The LoC is about 450 miles long and lined with barbed wire.

A Pakistani flag is visible on a guard tower on the Pakistani side of the border between Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Kashmir.

A Pakistani flag is visible on a guard tower on the Pakistani side of the border between Indian Kashmir and Pakistani Kashmir.

Kashmiri Muslims often clash with Indian security forces. Protests and armed clashes occur in response to human-rights violations, including extrajudicial killings and rape, by Indian security forces, Human Rights Watch reports.

Kashmiri Muslims often clash with Indian security forces. Protests and armed clashes occur in response to human-rights violations, including extrajudicial killings and rape, by Indian security forces, Human Rights Watch reports.

Much of Kashmir is mountainous, as the Himalaya mountain range stretches into the territory. While Kashmir is majority Muslim, there are also Hindu holy sites there, such as Amaranth cave. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus left Kashmir, or were killed in violent sectarian clashes, in the 1990s.

Much of Kashmir is mountainous, as the Himalaya mountain range stretches into the territory. While Kashmir is majority Muslim, there are also Hindu holy sites there, such as Amaranth cave. Hundreds of thousands of Hindus left Kashmir, or were killed in violent sectarian clashes, in the 1990s.

Source: BBC

Indian leader Narendra Modi has called for development in Kashmir. Clashes between Kashmiri groups and Indian security forces have increased under Modi, whose BJP Party promotes a Hindu nationalist message.

Indian leader Narendra Modi has called for development in Kashmir. Clashes between Kashmiri groups and Indian security forces have increased under Modi, whose BJP Party promotes a Hindu nationalist message.

Source: Al Jazeera, CNBC

At a meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in July, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Modi had asked him to mediate the dispute over Kashmir.

At a meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in July, President Donald Trump falsely claimed that Modi had asked him to mediate the dispute over Kashmir.

India controls a larger portion of Kashmir, so it's in India's interest to only negotiate bilaterally with Pakistan, lest Pakistan use third-party leverage to try and gain more territory.

The Wagah-Attari and Munabao border crossings are the only places people can travel by train between India and Pakistan. Both rail services going through Wagah-Attari and Munabao have been suspended at various points in the past decade due to violence — either all-out war or terrorism.

The Wagah-Attari and Munabao border crossings are the only places people can travel by train between India and Pakistan. Both rail services going through Wagah-Attari and Munabao have been suspended at various points in the past decade due to violence — either all-out war or terrorism.

The "friendship bus" runs between the Indian capital of New Delhi and Lahore, Pakistan every day but Sunday, carrying Indians, Pakistanis, and Kashmiris between India and Pakistan. Established in 1999, it has run through multiple conflicts between the two countries.

The "friendship bus" runs between the Indian capital of New Delhi and Lahore, Pakistan every day but Sunday, carrying Indians, Pakistanis, and Kashmiris between India and Pakistan. Established in 1999, it has run through multiple conflicts between the two countries.

Source: Al Jazeera

Wagah-Attari has one of the few border crossings between Pakistan and India.

Wagah-Attari has one of the few border crossings between Pakistan and India.

Border guards from India and Pakistan perform ceremonies at the border for audiences. A stadium expressly built for spectators of those ceremonies sits on the border.

Border guards from India and Pakistan perform ceremonies at the border for audiences. A stadium expressly built for spectators of those ceremonies sits on the border.

Pakistani and Indian border guards meet at the boundary between India and Pakistan. During an evening ceremony, the guards symbolically close the gate between India and Pakistan. The entrance to Pakistan can be seen in the background.

Pakistani and Indian border guards meet at the boundary between India and Pakistan. During an evening ceremony, the guards symbolically close the gate between India and Pakistan. The entrance to Pakistan can be seen in the background.

Pakistan banned alcohol for Muslims in 1979. Here, Pakistani customs officials crush contraband bottles of alcohol at the border in January 2019.

Pakistan banned alcohol for Muslims in 1979. Here, Pakistani customs officials crush contraband bottles of alcohol at the border in January 2019.


The Samjhauta Express, or Friendship Express, is one of two railway stations connecting India and Pakistan. It's one of few options for people to move between both countries, but its service was suspended during violence between the two countries in March.

The Samjhauta Express, or Friendship Express, is one of two railway stations connecting India and Pakistan. It

When British colonial rule ended in 1947, thousands of families were separated by the partition. While they can now travel back and forth, the process is still somewhat onerous; visas to go back and forth are often delayed, and Indian nationals in Pakistan are required to check in with police upon arrival.

Source: Al Jazeera, Government of Pakistan

The gate into Pakistan at the Wagah-Attari border crossing bears the image of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the first leader of independent Pakistan. Jinnah led the fight for a separate nation for Indian Muslims and led Pakistan from its creation until his death from tuberculosis in September 1948.

The gate into Pakistan at the Wagah-Attari border crossing bears the image of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the first leader of independent Pakistan. Jinnah led the fight for a separate nation for Indian Muslims and led Pakistan from its creation until his death from tuberculosis in September 1948.

Source: BBC

The entrance to India features Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi led the push for Indian independence from colonial Britain through peaceful resistance, including a hunger strike and what's known as the Salt Satyagraha — a 24-day march to the town of Dandi to gather Indian salt in 1930. At the time it was illegal for Indians to buy domestically harvested salt; they had to purchase salt that was processed in and imported from Britain.

The entrance to India features Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi led the push for Indian independence from colonial Britain through peaceful resistance, including a hunger strike and what

Source: Time

The Wagah Stadium straddles the border between India and Pakistan.

The Wagah Stadium straddles the border between India and Pakistan.

The Wagah-Attari stadium was specially built for spectators of India and Pakistan's daily border-guard ceremony.

The Wagah-Attari stadium was specially built for spectators of India and Pakistan

The rail station at Munabao is the other station linking the two countries, although it carries only passengers, not cargo. Munabao is far west of Wagah, in the state of Rajasthan. The Thar Express, the railway between the two countries, was closed for 41 years after the India-Pakistan war in 1965. Its operation is periodically reviewed by India and Pakistan; last year, it was decided it would run into 2021.

The rail station at Munabao is the other station linking the two countries, although it carries only passengers, not cargo. Munabao is far west of Wagah, in the state of Rajasthan. The Thar Express, the railway between the two countries, was closed for 41 years after the India-Pakistan war in 1965. Its operation is periodically reviewed by India and Pakistan; last year, it was decided it would run into 2021.

Source: Mint
