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Here are some of the major issues that stand in the way of a US-China trade deal

Intellectual-property rules

Here are some of the major issues that stand in the way of a US-China trade deal

Government subsidies

Government subsidies

The Chinese government has long sought to support high-tech and industrial companies through large-scale state subsidies, another longtime sticking point in negotiations with the US.

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and other negotiators have worked to eliminate these "market-distorting" practices, which would require China to alter a major structural aspect of its economy.

Enforcement mechanisms

Enforcement mechanisms

The US has struggled to enforce trade rules with China in the past, and any deal would only add to a list of commitments to track. China has been reluctant to require that its pledges be codified into laws at home, a stipulation Lighthizer views as crucial to a final agreement.

The Trump administration has in the past suggested the prospect of tariffs as leverage, a proposal that would be sure to cast further uncertainty on businesses and consumers. Meanwhile, China has demanded that all tariffs be lifted.



President Donald Trump last week signed an executive order banning communications technology from "foreign adversaries" in a move seen as targeting the company Huawei Technologies and others with alleged ties to the Chinese government.

Google said it would suspend Huawei's Android license on Monday, drawing further ire from Beijing.

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