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  4. Cape Town is running out of water - I visited and saw what the financial problems of 'Day Zero' look like on the ground

Cape Town is running out of water - I visited and saw what the financial problems of 'Day Zero' look like on the ground

Cape Town, South Africa, is poised to become the first major city to run out of water. The coastal city had originally scheduled "Day Zero" — the day in which all water supply would be depleted — for April, but a decrease in usage and a successful increase of the supply has pushed the event back to 2019.

Cape Town is running out of water - I visited and saw what the financial problems of 'Day Zero' look like on the ground

Residents are limited to 50 liters (about 13 gallons) a day, and the city even offers a guideline on how to manage the allotment. For comparison, each American uses 80 to 100 gallons of water a day on average.

Residents are limited to 50 liters (about 13 gallons) a day, and the city even offers a guideline on how to manage the allotment. For comparison, each American uses 80 to 100 gallons of water a day on average.

The World Bank estimates that South Africa has the largest Gini coefficient, meaning it has the worst economic equality in the world. And the water shortage is increasing the divide between the haves and the have-nots.

The World Bank estimates that South Africa has the largest Gini coefficient, meaning it has the worst economic equality in the world. And the water shortage is increasing the divide between the haves and the have-nots.

Cape Town relies on six reservoirs for the majority of its water, but depleted levels tell a story of the drought. The largest reservoir was operating at 13% capacity for a period of time.

Cape Town relies on six reservoirs for the majority of its water, but depleted levels tell a story of the drought. The largest reservoir was operating at 13% capacity for a period of time.

Source: The Verge

Due to three straight years of scant amounts of rainfall, the dam levels are low. The probability of Cape Town naturally experiencing that little rainfall is one in hundreds of years.

Due to three straight years of scant amounts of rainfall, the dam levels are low. The probability of Cape Town naturally experiencing that little rainfall is one in hundreds of years.

South Africa is going through a tough moment politically, as well. Jacob Zuma recently resigned the presidency and white farmers are worried the government is going to take their land.

South Africa is going through a tough moment politically, as well. Jacob Zuma recently resigned the presidency and white farmers are worried the government is going to take their land.

Some households are finding solutions to the water shortage, but price can prevent Capetonians from doing so. Boreholes to tap into aquifers cost $6,000 and machines that turn moisture into drinking water cost $2,000. Some are going that route, but the price is prohibitive for many.

Some households are finding solutions to the water shortage, but price can prevent Capetonians from doing so. Boreholes to tap into aquifers cost $6,000 and machines that turn moisture into drinking water cost $2,000. Some are going that route, but the price is prohibitive for many.

This sign at the hostel we stayed at reminded guests to be conscientious of their water consumption. In the hostel and around the city, signs above toilets read "If it is yellow, let it mellow." Showers were capped at two and a half minutes. Empty buckets sat in the shower collecting run-off water that would be reused.

This sign at the hostel we stayed at reminded guests to be conscientious of their water consumption. In the hostel and around the city, signs above toilets read "If it is yellow, let it mellow." Showers were capped at two and a half minutes. Empty buckets sat in the shower collecting run-off water that would be reused.

Most years, groups to Cape Town drink tap water, but we were instructed to purchase three-gallon water bottles. Between the 12 of us, we went through about five big bottles per day. The average American family uses 300 gallons of water a day.

Most years, groups to Cape Town drink tap water, but we were instructed to purchase three-gallon water bottles. Between the 12 of us, we went through about five big bottles per day. The average American family uses 300 gallons of water a day.

Source: EPA

The World Health Organization links a lack of safe drinking water to certain diseases and recommends better access and hygiene to make people safer. There are no sinks to wash your hands in the townships. In some public areas, there was no hand soap, and people left the bathroom without giving a thought to washing their hands.

The World Health Organization links a lack of safe drinking water to certain diseases and recommends better access and hygiene to make people safer. There are no sinks to wash your hands in the townships. In some public areas, there was no hand soap, and people left the bathroom without giving a thought to washing their hands.

Source: WHO

In 2015, 69% of South Africans had access to safely managed drinking water sources, just above the global average and the highest percentage in sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2015, 69% of South Africans had access to safely managed drinking water sources, just above the global average and the highest percentage in sub-Saharan Africa.

Source: WHO

This flower is from Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town, where water is not provided by the city and they use water for irrigation from a 110 megaliter dam. The botanical gardens has policies in place to limit water usage, but many of the rare plants there are at risk.

This flower is from Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens in Cape Town, where water is not provided by the city and they use water for irrigation from a 110 megaliter dam. The botanical gardens has policies in place to limit water usage, but many of the rare plants there are at risk.

This mini-reservoir beneath a tree in Kirstenbosch is one of the many reminders of water's importance in Cape Town. The city has won awards for its environmental work and water conservation, but still ended up in drought despite, or possibly because of, the protections.

This mini-reservoir beneath a tree in Kirstenbosch is one of the many reminders of water

Source: C40

The city's efforts to increase water supply by tapping into aquifers is damaging the ecosystem and putting rare species in danger.

The city

This garden was on the campus of a rural school that produces its own vegetables to save on food costs. South Africa is self-sufficient in terms of crops and is a net food exporter. Yet rural farmers have had their water supply from the city's six dams cut by as much as 87%.

This garden was on the campus of a rural school that produces its own vegetables to save on food costs. South Africa is self-sufficient in terms of crops and is a net food exporter. Yet rural farmers have had their water supply from the city

Cape Town is also home to numerous vineyards and wineries, such as Constantia in the Stellenbosch region, seen below. South Africa is the eighth largest wine producing country, but the drought has caused a drop in production of 20%.

Cape Town is also home to numerous vineyards and wineries, such as Constantia in the Stellenbosch region, seen below. South Africa is the eighth largest wine producing country, but the drought has caused a drop in production of 20%.

Townships, housing areas located outside of city proper that were set up by the Apartheid government to house blacks, are still home to people on the lowest economic rung. They are often crowded, dirty, and lack more than a communal tap for water.

Townships, housing areas located outside of city proper that were set up by the Apartheid government to house blacks, are still home to people on the lowest economic rung. They are often crowded, dirty, and lack more than a communal tap for water.

Source: The Guardian

In the townships, access to safe drinking water is basically non-existent. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, is extremely prevalent, as are beer and spirits. Alcoholism is a problem that transcends racial or economic boundaries in South Africa, afflicting poor blacks in the townships as well as rich whites.

In the townships, access to safe drinking water is basically non-existent. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, is extremely prevalent, as are beer and spirits. Alcoholism is a problem that transcends racial or economic boundaries in South Africa, afflicting poor blacks in the townships as well as rich whites.

With no indoor plumbing, people who live in the townships go to the bathroom in communal portable toilets. Women and children are usually scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, for fear of sexual assault and violence.

With no indoor plumbing, people who live in the townships go to the bathroom in communal portable toilets. Women and children are usually scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, for fear of sexual assault and violence.

Source: Yale

Longtime residents of Cape Town blame climate change, citing weather patterns they have never seen before. The city was once known for its rainfalls, but precipitation has been precipitously declining. Unprecedented floods have been devastating Nigeria, Kenya, and other African nations with long-standing droughts, too.

Longtime residents of Cape Town blame climate change, citing weather patterns they have never seen before. The city was once known for its rainfalls, but precipitation has been precipitously declining. Unprecedented floods have been devastating Nigeria, Kenya, and other African nations with long-standing droughts, too.

Sources: Quartz, News24

Despite being surrounded by water, Cape Town is dangerously low on the vital resource.

Despite being surrounded by water, Cape Town is dangerously low on the vital resource.

Source: USA Today

It doesn't look like the drought's exacerbation of the city's inequalities will end anytime soon.

It doesn

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