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  4. A list of the similarities between Silicon Valley and the Soviet Union went viral over the weekend

A list of the similarities between Silicon Valley and the Soviet Union went viral over the weekend

'Living five adults to a two room apartment'

A list of the similarities between Silicon Valley and the Soviet Union went viral over the weekend

'Being told you are constructing utopia while the system crumbles around you'

"'Totally not illegal taxi' taxis by private citizens moonlighting to make ends meet"


'Everything slaved to the needs of the military-industrial complex'

'Failures are bizarrely upheld as triumphs'

'Productivity largely falsified to satisfy appearance of sponsoring elites'

'Elite power struggles result in massive collateral damage, sometimes purges'

'The currency most people are talking about is fake and worthless'

'Otherwise extremely intelligent people just turning the crank because it's the only way to get ahead'

'Henry Kissinger visits sometimes for some reason'

You can check out the full thread over on Twitter.

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