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7 ways people raise their kids around the world that US parents could learn from

1. In Denmark, parents reframe negative situations into positive ones

7 ways people raise their kids around the world that US parents could learn from

2. In the Polynesian islands, older children take care of younger children

2. In the Polynesian islands, older children take care of younger children

In Polynesia, the burden of parenting doesn’t just fall to the parents, but to the older siblings as well. Even kids as young as pre-school age help out, NPR reports.

3. In Argentina, bedtime isn’t strict

3. In Argentina, bedtime isn’t strict

In the US, many parents always ensure their little ones are tucked in by a certain time. Parents in Argentina, however, tend to have a more laid-back view of bedtime, Hopgood said. “Kids need to be part of evening family [activities], even if they go late, because the meals are later there,” she said. This parenting practice happens in Spain, too.

4. In France, parents teach children that food is something to be enjoyed

4. In France, parents teach children that food is something to be enjoyed

Hopgood said one thing parents in France often do is teach children that mealtime is enjoyable rather than a hurried task, like many meals in the US. In addition, French parents adopt a more relaxed attitude at mealtime instead of forcing children to eat certain things. “Eat the rich foods, try the things we’re trying, or don’t,” Hopgood said of the French parent’s mindset.

5. In Japan, many parents trust their children to take public transportation alone

5. In Japan, many parents trust their children to take public transportation alone

In certain countries, Hopgood said parents are more willing to trust their children — both out of custom and necessity.

For example, young children in Japan often take the train for long periods of time and go to school by themselves. Japanese parents still have technology to get in touch with and/or track their children, but there is a level of trust that is often lacking in the US, Hopgood said. Some parents in Japan even let their children run errands together without an accompanying parent.

6. In Vietnam, children are often potty trained by 9 months old

6. In Vietnam, children are often potty trained by 9 months old

Some Asian countries, like Vietnam and China, potty train their children at about 9 months old. According to one study, Vietnamese parents use a particular whistling sound as a cue to “remind” their babies to relieve themselves.

This parenting tactic shows that despite the fact that many children in the US aren’t potty trained until 3 years old, they’re often capable of learning earlier.

7. In China, grandparents play a crucial role in parenting

7. In China, grandparents play a crucial role in parenting

In China, grandparents often live with their children and grandchildren, and therefore play a more active role in their upbringing. Where a parent in the U.S. might hire a babysitter to watch their children, parents in China often rely on other family members, such as grandparents.

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