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7 unique parenting styles from around the world

1. Independence at a young age

7 unique parenting styles from around the world

2. Babies nap outside (even during the winter)

2. Babies nap outside (even during the winter)

Scandinavian children are raised on the foundation of "friluftsliv," or "open-air living." It isn't abnormal to see babies napping outside in their strollers, unattended, even in the wintertime.

Expat parents have even been arrested in the US because of the common practice, The New York Times reports. But, many parents in Nordic countries still believe that al fresco napping keeps their children healthy, according to the BBC.

3. Toilet training from birth

3. Toilet training from birth

Chinese babies are taught to relieve themselves into the toilet on command of a parent's whistle, sometimes starting when they are only a few months old. Many kids are fully potty trained by age 2, according to The Washington Post.

4. Less time in the classroom

4. Less time in the classroom

Students in Finland rank among the smartest in the world — they are consistently at or near the top of OECD rankings for math, science, and reading, according to The Times. Some might be surprised to discover that they don't start school until they turn seven.

Tiina Marjoniemi, the head of Franzenia Daycare Centre in Helsinki, told The Guardian that before the age of seven, children are expected to "play and be physically active," calling the first seven years of life "a time for creativity."

And yet while the homework is minimal and holiday breaks are long — up to 11 weeks — the Finnish education system manages to routinely rank amongst the best in the world, Business Insider previously reported.

5. More time traveling the world

5. More time traveling the world

It has long been tradition in Great Britain and other countries outside the US to take a "gap year" between high school and college, according to Quartz. A 2017 statistic revealed that in the UK, 230,000 students between 18 and 25 years old took a gap year to travel, work, and volunteer.

6. Kids and adults eat (and drink) the same things

6. Kids and adults eat (and drink) the same things

Adults in Italy aren't the only ones sipping on a glass of red with dinner — their kids are, too. According to a study by Boston University Medical Center, Italian children who were raised with wine at dinnertime were less likely to develop “harmful drinking patterns” in adulthood.

Wine and the responsible consumption of it is so important to Italians that it's included in the primary school curriculum, where students start learning about their country's wine culture at six years old, The Daily Mail reports.

And while Italian kids are raised to be responsible drinkers, French kids are raised to be sophisticated eaters. French kids eat the same nutritious, balanced meals as adults, says University of British Columbia Professor Karen Le Billon in her book, “French Kids Eat Everything.”

7. All-hands-on-deck parenting

7. All-hands-on-deck parenting

In many parts of Africa, the responsibility of raising a child lies with entire extended families, but even non-relatives are happy to help out.

It isn't unusual for mothers to share breast milk with other people’s children in The Democratic Republic of Congo and Kenya. Researchers have even discovered men “breastfeeding” children among Central Africa's Aka Pygmy tribe, according to The Guardian.

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