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6 questions you should ask the hotel concierge to get the most out of your stay - and 1 question you should never ask

Which rooms at my booking's price point have the best view or amenities?

6 questions you should ask the hotel concierge to get the most out of your stay - and 1 question you should never ask

Are there membership programs I can join? And what do they offer?

Are there membership programs I can join? And what do they offer?

Asking to join a membership or loyalty program shows that you are committed to the hotel as a brand, not just a place to stay for a night or two. As they fill you in on the rewards programs offered, the concierge may well also add in a few extras or upgrades for you.

Is there anything you can do to help me and my partner celebrate a special occasion?

Is there anything you can do to help me and my partner celebrate a special occasion?

"The concierge is also the person to fill in on special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries," Kelso said. "Ask them if they'd be willing to send a special gift or amenity on behalf of the hotel."

More often than not, a concierge will be more than happy to arrange for a bottle of champagne or some roses to be left in your room, and with a special note you dictate, as well. They'll be happy to help and glad you chose their property for your celebration.

I forgot this, that, or the other thing — can you help out?

I forgot this, that, or the other thing — can you help out?

There's never a reason to go without a razor, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, or other small personal item when you're staying at a decent hotel. They have these items on hand, so feel free to ask the concierge; he or she will help out.

What can my kids do here for fun?

What can my kids do here for fun?

Many hotels have play spaces for kids, so make sure to ask. Better yet, the play spaces are often tucked away out of sight, causing less of a disturbance for other guests. Conversely, most hotels also have pool hours where kids aren't exactly welcome, and it's important to respect that.

Is there an upgrade available that I can pay for?

Is there an upgrade available that I can pay for?

Unless you're a repeat guest with a personal rapport with a concierge, asking for a free upgrade is a bit forward and is also unlikely to work.

But asking to pay for an upgrade may well get you bumped up for free out of goodwill, or at least will let you know your options. And as you won't be talking to the front desk staff, you can just nod and say thanks for the info if the price is too steep instead of saying, "Oh … that's too expensive."

The one thing to never ask of the concierge or the front desk clerks: 'Who else is staying here?'

The one thing to never ask of the concierge or the front desk clerks:

It doesn't matter if you're asking about a celebrity you thought you saw in the lobby or simply wondering if your friend or co-worker checked in yet. Never ask hotel staff about other guests — that information is privileged and they won't give it out, but they will be put in an awkward position by your asking.

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