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6 charts that show how Netflix's movie and TV catalog has changed dramatically over the last decade

Netflix's total number of movies and TV shows combined has decreased from over 7,000 titles in 2010 to fewer than 6,000 titles in 2020. Its number of movies has decreased significantly in the last decade while its number of TV shows has nearly quadrupled.

6 charts that show how Netflix's movie and TV catalog has changed dramatically over the last decade

Netflix's library peaked in 2012 with more than 11,000 total titles, even though its original content was nonexistent at the time. Its total number of titles has remained steady since 2015 while its original content has increased.


2010: 7,285 total movies and TV shows

2011: N/A

2012: 11,000

2013: 9,000 (8 originals)

2014: 8,103 (17 originals)

2015: 5,769 (82 originals)

2016: 5,532 (235 originals)

2017: 5,553 (458 originals)

2018: 5,158 (756 originals)

2019: 5,769 (1067 originals)

2020 (so far): 5,838 (1097 originals)

Netflix's total number of movies has decreased every year that Reelgood was able to measure in the last decade, but its number of original movies has increased.


2010: 6,755 total movies

2011: N/A

2012: N/A

2013: N/A

2014: 6,494 (3 original movies)

2015: 4,526 (21 original movies)

2016: 4,335 (92 original movies)

2017: N/A (224 original movies)

2018: 3,857 (370 original movies)

2019: 3,803 (516 original movies)

2020 (so far): 3,730 (523 original movies)

This chart shows more clearly how the number of Netflix's original movies has increased since 2014.

This chart shows more clearly how the number of Netflix

2014: 3 original movies

2015: 21

2016: 92

2017: 224

2018: 370

2019: 516

2020 (so far): 523

While its number of movies has decreased, Netflix's total number of TV shows has increased in the last few years.

While its number of movies has decreased, Netflix

2010: 7,285 total shows)

2011: N/A

2012: N/A

2013: N/A (8 original shows)

2014: 1,609 (14 original shows)

2015: 1,243 (61 original shows)

2016: 1,197 (143 original shows)

2017: N/A (234 original shows)

2018: 1,301 (386 original shows)

2019: 1,966 (551 original shows)

2020 (so far): 2,108 (574 original shows)

This chart shows more clearly how the number of Netflix's original TV shows has increased since 2013.

This chart shows more clearly how the number of Netflix

2013: 8 original shows

2014: 14

2015: 61

2016: 143

2017: 234

2018: 386

2019: 551

2020 (so far): 574

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