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  4. 17 outlandish claims and false accusations Rudy Giuliani has tweeted since Election Day

17 outlandish claims and false accusations Rudy Giuliani has tweeted since Election Day

In November, Giuliani fired off a series of tweets making baseless accusations of election and voter fraud in Florida, where the hotly contested Senate race between Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Rick Scott went to a recount.

17 outlandish claims and false accusations Rudy Giuliani has tweeted since Election Day

Despite Giuliani's bombastic accusations of fraud, there is no evidence of election officials committing fraud or "creating ballots" favoring Democrats. Rather, the races took longer than usual to decide because of the extraordinarily slim margin between the candidates.

Despite Giuliani

Even though Giuliani warned of sinister efforts by "Democratic" election officials to create falsified ballots, Republican Sen. candidate Rick Scott and gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis ended up victorious in the end.

Even though Giuliani warned of sinister efforts by "Democratic" election officials to create falsified ballots, Republican Sen. candidate Rick Scott and gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis ended up victorious in the end.

Giuliani tweeted out this non-sensical message later in November, the meaning of which is still unclear.

Giuliani tweeted out this non-sensical message later in November, the meaning of which is still unclear.

Giuliani then accused special counsel Robert Mueller of being "out of control" by announcing a plea deal with Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen the day Trump left for the G-20 summit in Argentina. In the process, he accidentally created a hyperlink in his tweet.

Giuliani then accused special counsel Robert Mueller of being "out of control" by announcing a plea deal with Trump

A social media user was quick to purchase the domain name "" Giuliani accidentally created in his tweet –– and trolled Giuliani by making the link lead to a webpage reading, "Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country."

A social media user was quick to purchase the domain name "" Giuliani accidentally created in his tweet –– and trolled Giuliani by making the link lead to a webpage reading, "Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country."

Giuliani then blamed Twitter for his keyboard mishap –– and accused them (and Time Magazine) of being biased against Trump supporters. A representative for Twitter said “the accusation that we’re artificially injecting something into a tweet is completely false.”

Giuliani then blamed Twitter for his keyboard mishap –– and accused them (and Time Magazine) of being biased against Trump supporters. A representative for Twitter said “the accusation that we’re artificially injecting something into a tweet is completely false.”

Giuliani then attacked federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York — the office he used to lead as US Attorney — for naming Trump, or "Individual-1," as an un-indicted co-conspirator to campaign finance violations.

Giuliani then attacked federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York — the office he used to lead as US Attorney — for naming Trump, or "Individual-1," as an un-indicted co-conspirator to campaign finance violations.

Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to 36 months in prison in December after pleading guilty in August making a $130,000 and $150,000 payoffs to buy the silence of two women who claimed to have affairs with Trump, Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.


Prosecutors struck a non-prosecution agreement with American Media Inc., the parent company of the tabloid The National Enquirer, which paid $150,000 to buy the rights to McDougal's story (which the company never published).

Prosecutors struck a non-prosecution agreement with American Media Inc., the parent company of the tabloid The National Enquirer, which paid $150,000 to buy the rights to McDougal

Despite Giuliani's claims, the NPA clearly states that AMI "further admitted that its principal purpose in making the payment was to suppress the woman's story so as to prevent it from influencing the election."

Despite Giuliani

Giuliani then had to walk back a statement he made on national TV downplaying the payments as "not a big crime." Legal experts, however, told INSIDER that federal prosecutors would not have allowed Cohen to plead guilty to a "non-crime."

Giuliani then had to walk back a statement he made on national TV downplaying the payments as "not a big crime." Legal experts, however, told INSIDER that federal prosecutors would not have allowed Cohen to plead guilty to a "non-crime."

In December, Giuliani took to Twitter to level false accusations that Mueller supervised the deletion of 19,000 text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who left their assignments on the Mueller probe and came under conservative scrutiny for exchanging anti-Trump text messages.

In December, Giuliani took to Twitter to level false accusations that Mueller supervised the deletion of 19,000 text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who left their assignments on the Mueller probe and came under conservative scrutiny for exchanging anti-Trump text messages.

Giuliani's tweets misrepresented the findings of two DOJ inspector general (IG) reports on the text messages. They were not, as he claimed, "erased." Rather, a glitch in the FBI's backup software for texts on Bureau phones caused the messages to be temporarily lost before being fully restored.


There is no evidence to support Giuliani's repeated falsehoods that the texts were "destroyed," or that the erasing was pursuant to any DOJ policy, or that Mueller himself was remotely involved in the messages being temporarily lost.

There is no evidence to support Giuliani

Giuliani then attacked former FBI director James Comey, accusing him of entrapping former Trump campaign staffer Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty into December 2017 to lying to the FBI and has been cooperating with the Mueller probe.

Giuliani then attacked former FBI director James Comey, accusing him of entrapping former Trump campaign staffer Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty into December 2017 to lying to the FBI and has been cooperating with the Mueller probe.

Despite Giuliani's allegations, neither Gen. Flynn or his lawyers have argued that FBI set him up with a "false charge" or denied him access to counsel.

Despite Giuliani

Giuliani then announced that "Comey" means interfering with an election. Despite Giuliani's claims, neither Comey nor the FBI had the authority to prosecute Clinton.

Giuliani then announced that "Comey" means interfering with an election. Despite Giuliani

Giuliani then referred to the Mueller probe as an "unpaid traffic ticket investigation."

Giuliani then referred to the Mueller probe as an "unpaid traffic ticket investigation."

Giuliani's first tweet of 2019 ordered Mueller to "put up or shut up," despite the fact that the Mueller probe has secured a record number of indictments for a special counsel investigation. Mueller has not spoken publicly since before his appointment as special counsel in May 2017.


Giuliani then responded to a CNN segment of self-identified witches dismayed over Trump's use of the term "witch hunt" given its historical connotations with beating, drowning, and burning of suspected witches in Colonial America.

Giuliani then responded to a CNN segment of self-identified witches dismayed over Trump

Source: CNN

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