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Millennials are paying up to $3,400 per month to live in this Hong Kong 'Skypark' - take a look inside

Jul 28, 2017, 20:03 IST



As millennials continue to migrate to high-priced urban areas, some are choosing to live in co-living spaces: dorm-style residential buildings in which they rent a single room and get access to shared amenities.

In Hong Kong, Dutch architecture firm Concrete has designed a luxury complex for millennials with that co-living model in mind.

Called Skypark, the building opened in March 2017. Residents rent traditional apartments, ranging from studios to two-bedrooms, rather than individual rooms. But according to the Skypark designers, their goal was to fill the building with communal spaces, including a swanky rooftop lounge and indoor pool, where residents can get to know their neighbors and escape city life.

Take a look inside the building, where residents pay up to $3,400 per month.


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