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Michigan Law School Begs Students Not To Read Email Accidentally Sent By Professor

Abby Rogers   

Michigan Law School Begs Students Not To Read Email Accidentally Sent By Professor

Some first-year students at Michigan Law are pretty angry after a civil procedure professor accidentally emailed everyone's grades to the entire class.

After Professor Richard Friedman gave his first-year CivPro students at University of Michigan Law School their final exam, he sent the entire class a spreadsheet with everyone's names and grades, tipsters told Above The Law.

The Dean of Student Affairs immediately responded and asked students to simply ignore the email.

"I have one important request: out of respect for your classmates’ privacy, please delete Professor Friedman’s message immediately," the email said, according to ATL. "If by chance you have not yet looked at the part of the message that contains the grade information – including your own – please do not."

Friedman's blunder also alerted students to discrepancies in their grades, with one tipster telling ATL that Friedman's assessment of each person's class participation apparently significantly improved or tanked students' grades.

Friedman and law school administrators didn't immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

We're reminded of the incident last month when noted legal scholar Arthur Miller accidentally sent his 1L CivPro class at NYU all the answers to his final exam last month.

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