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Michael Keaton Gave An Incredibly Personal Acceptance Speech About His Tough Childhood

Jan 12, 2015, 10:55 IST

Michael Keaton gave an incredibly honest and emotional speech as he accepted his first Golden Globe for his performance in "Birdman."


In the film, Keaton stars as a washed-up actor who was previously best known for playing a superhero. He tries to make a comeback by starting a Broadway play. 

Keaton made his way to the stage first to give thanks to director Alejandro González Iñárritu who filmed the entire movie in 30 days.

Alejandro, there's not a person in this room who won't show up for your next gig my brother. I'm telling you, just name the place, you name the time, and, not just me, there's not an actor or actress in this room who won't show up.

Thanks for being a true artist. Thanks for letting me be part of this unbelievably gutsy, unapologetic look at human nature. Thanks. It's been a ride. This cast is tremendous. The crew is tremendous. Everybody was great.


Keaton's acceptance speech then took a more personal turn as the 63-year-old actor became teary-eyed and choked up on stage as he discussed his family and mentioned his birth name, Michael Douglas.

In the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple: Work hard, don't quit, be appreciative, be thankful, be grateful, be respectful, also to never whine ever, never complain, and, always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor.

My name's Michael John Douglas, I'm from Forest Grove, Pennsylvania. I'm the son - seventh child - of George and Leona Douglas. And I don't ever remember a time when my father didn't work two jobs. When my mother wasn't saying the rosary or going to mass or trying to take care of seven kids in a rundown farmhouse, she was volunteering at the Ohio Valley Hospital where I was born in the hallway.

I've got six wonderful brothers and sisters. I have some tremendous, tremendously loving and generous friends all over the world. My best friend is kind, intelligent, funny, talented, considerate, thoughtful - did I say kind? He also ...

At this point, Keaton stopped for a moment, fighting back tears, before continuing moments later.


"He also happens to be my son, Sean," said Keaton.

"I love you with all my heart, buddy. This is for 'all those people,'" he added. "Sorry, shoot. Two things I said I wasn't going to do - cry and give air quotes. Damn." 

"I'm so grateful, honestly, from the bottom of my heart," concluded Keaton. "You have no idea what this means to me. To come from the place where I come from, I'm proud of all of my friends and my family. Thank you very, very much. I'm extremely grateful."

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