Getty Images / Mike Stobe
In his prepared remarks, reported by Transportation Nation, Bloomberg writes:
This year we'll pilot curbside vehicle chargers that will allow drivers to fill up their battery in as little as 30 minutes.
We’ll work with the City Council to amend the Building Code so that up to 20 percent of all new public
Deputy Mayor Cas Holloway told CBS a building code requirement would ensure that 20 percent of new parking spaces would be wired to charge electric vehicles.
In June, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a $4.4 million plan to create 353 electric vehicle charging stations across the state.
Beam Charging, which says it is the largest network of EV charging stations in New York City, offers charging at about 30 stations, mostly in Manhattan.
About 10,000 new spaces are created every year in the city, mostly in new buildings. There are only 100 public charging stations in the city now, according to CBS.