"I'm going to try my best. I studied a lot," Keith said. "Some of it's really boring and annoying when you do it."
The Scripps Spelling Bee allows kids aged 9 to 15 to compete in the annual event that takes place right outside Washington, D.C.
The third-grader has a penchant for spelling long words with funny definitions and has already correctly spelled both words he was given. His first word was kabuki, which is a form of traditional Japanese drama, and his second word was odontiasis, which is the cutting of the teeth.
If those words seem impossible for a third-grader to spell correctly, it may be thanks to his nearly photographic memory, his mom told Stern. "He remembers most of the words he sees," she said.
Keith lives near Boulder, Colorado on a farm and is a fantasy fiction fanatic. The Scripps National Spelling Bee noted his love of fantasy fiction with a tweet about his future career aspirations.
Meet our youngest speller, Cameron Keith, third-grader from Boulder, CO. Hopes to be a fantasy writer one day: http://t.co/nzbKw3H20y
- NationalSpellingBee (@ScrippsBee) May 26, 2015