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Meet the adventurer who's gone to nearly 100 countries and can take you on the adventure of a lifetime

Meet the adventurer who's gone to nearly 100 countries and can take you on the adventure of a lifetime
TravelTravel1 min read

Matt Prior takes adventure to a new level.

A member of the prestigious Explorers Club, his past endeavors have included circumnavigating Lake Baikal on a WWII-era Russian motorbike, traveling across Sri Lanka in a rickshaw, and even participating in a Guinness World Record-setting taxi journey at 17,143 feet.

He wanted to find a way to ignite a passion for exploring in others, so he founded Matt Prior Adventure Academy, a one-week course that teaches people how to conquer and enjoy extreme travel experiences. He exposes travelers to the joy of traveling off the beaten path, taking them through hidden villages, breathtaking volcanoes, and glistening hot springs.

The course costs $3,995 per person, not including hotel accommodations and international flights.

We've put together a collection of images from his amazing adventures so that you can see what a course with the Matt Prior Adventure Academy is like.

For the full collection, visit his Instagram or Flickr account.

