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Meet The 9 House Members So Safe They Haven't Even Bothered Putting Up Campaign Websites

Brett LoGiurato   

Meet The 9 House Members So Safe They Haven't Even Bothered Putting Up Campaign Websites

Nancy Pelosi


The 2012 election is only nine months old, but members of the House of Representatives are already gearing up for another run next year.

There are a select handful of members of the House, however, that are so secure in their re-election that they haven't even performed a basic campaign task — setting up a campaign website.

According to a new analysis from the University of Minnesota's Humphrey School of Public Affairs, only nine of the 419 U.S. Representatives who are not retiring, resigning, or running for higher office in 2014 have not yet even set up a functioning 2014 campaign website.

Here's the list, which features seven Democrats and two Republicans:

· Democrat Nancy Pelosi (CA-12)
· Democrat Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
· Democrat Bobby Rush (IL-01)
· Democrat Luis Gutiérrez (IL-04)
· Democrat Danny Davis (IL-07)
· Republican Hal Rogers (KY-05)
· Democrat Donald Payne, Jr. (NJ-10)
· Democrat José Serrano (NY-15)
· Republican John Duncan (TN-02)

That they haven't set up their campaign websites is likely because none of these members faces a threat of losing their re-election bids. The nine incumbents are so popular that they won re-election in 2012 by an average of more than 65 points. None won their 2012 bids by less than 45 points.

Except for Payne, who is in his second term representing New Jersey, these nine incumbents have all served at least 16 years in office. On average, they've served 11.4 two-year terms in office.

Here's a breakdown of each incumbent's re-election margin of victory and their number of terms in office:


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