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McDonald's Franchisees Are Furious About How Much It Costs To Operate A Restaurant

Aug 6, 2013, 22:50 IST

revitalizedesplaines.orgMcDonald's franchise owners are mobilizing against corporate.


The franchisees, who operate 90% of McDonald's restaurants, say the company is charging too much for rent, remodeling, and fees for training, reports Leslie Patton at Bloomberg News.

A franchise owner told Patton that running a McDonald's "is not as profitable business as it used to be." Franchisees have reportedly been holding rogue meetings to discuss ways to get the company to bring costs down.

The higher costs mean that franchisees are “less likely to open new restaurants and refurbish them, potentially constraining sales," Patton writes.

The franchisees told Patton they are currently paying up to 12% of store sales in rent. They're asking the company to return to a "historic rate" of 8.5%.


McDonald's told Bloomberg that it's "continuing to work together with McDonald’s owner/operators and our supplier partners to ensure that our restaurants are providing a great experience to our customers, which involves investments in training and technology.”

McDonald's employees were striking for better wages last week.

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