Top 10 companies in the world by market cap
BI India Bureau
- Market Cap (or market capitalization) refers to the worth of a company computed from the total value of all its shares.
- BI gives an overview of the world’s top 10 enterprises in terms of their 2023 market cap.
- Market Cap is an important metric in ascertaining the comparative value of firms with regard to trading opportunities. With its market capitalization of $2.596 Trillion, Apple ranks as the largest company in the world in 2023 followed by some most recognizable brands like Saudi Aramco, Microsoft, Alphabet and Amazon.
Market cap ranking of a company does not necessarily rank it in terms of its size. For instance, the largest company by market cap is Apple, while in terms of revenue, American multinational retailer Walmart ranks as the largest company in the world.
Here are the world’s top 10 companies by their market cap as of 26th April 2023.
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