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Mark Zuckerberg: We'll Never Let Extremists Dictate What People Post To Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg: We'll Never Let Extremists Dictate What People Post To Facebook

mark zuckerberg sadWin McNamee / Getty StaffFacebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

As police close in on the suspects of the deadly shooting at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's offices, Mark Zuckerberg has posted on Facebook to show his solidarity with the victims and those affected by tragedy, but also to repeat his company's stance on freedom of expression when it comes to sharing content that some people might find offensive on the social network. 

Zuckerberg recalls how an extremist in Pakistan fought to have him "sentenced to death" because Facebook refused to remove content about the Prophet Mohammed that some people found offensive. 

Reflecting on the attack in Paris on Wednesday, which is thought to have been the work of extremists offended by Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of Mohammed, Zuckerberg says Facebook will again refuse to be silenced.

"I'm committed to building a service where you can speak freely without fear or violence," he adds.

He ends with the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie, a slogan people have been using across social media and at vigils around the world to rally in support of Charlie Hebdo

Here's the full post:

Mark Zuckerberg Charlie HebdoFacebook
