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Mark Cuban Is Not Alone When He Says He Won't Let His Son Play Football

Dec 11, 2014, 03:29 IST
Mark Cuban Is Not Alone When He Says He Won't Let His Son Play Football
Mark Cuban Is Not Alone When He Says He Won't Let His Son Play Football
Mark Cuban Is Not Alone When He Says He Won't Let His Son Play Football

Mark Cuban recently told Business Insider that there's "no chance" he would let his five-year-old son play football. Well, Cuban is not alone.


In a recent survey by Bloomberg Politics, American adults were asked if they had a young son, would they want that child playing football. Of those surveyed, 50% said "no." That number goes up as the parent's education and wealth goes up. Of those with college educations, 62% said they would not want their son to play football. Likewise, 62% of those who make at least $100,000 per year would not want their sons playing football.

This is just the latest bad sign for the future of the NFL and is consistent with a recent poll that showed younger people are less likely to be interested in the NFL.

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