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Mark Cuban calls out ESPN reporter who said he was frantically driving around Houston looking for DeAndre Jordan's house

Scott Davis   

Mark Cuban calls out ESPN reporter who said he was frantically driving around Houston looking for DeAndre Jordan's house

mark cuban

Steve Jennings/Getty Images

Mark Cuban shot back at ESPN reporter Chris Broussard over a report from Wednesday night's DeAndre Jordan free agency saga.

Broussard tweeted that Cuban was frantically trying to reach Jordan to convince him to stay with the Mavericks while Jordan was meeting with the Clippers at his house:

Broussard later corrected himself, noting that Jordan, the Clippers, and Cuban were in Houston, not Dallas.

Cuban responded Thursday morning with an epic comeback:

It seems that the part of Broussard's tweet about Cuban trying to contact Jordan has some truth to it, though. Cuban said via CyberDust that he hasn't heard from Jordan since Tuesday night and that Jordan stopped responding to him yesterday:

The message reads:

Dear Mavs fans,

There will be a time when I detail everything I know regarding the last 48 hours.

I don't think the time is right to say anything beyond the facts that he never responded to me at all yesterday. Not once. To this minute I have not heard anything from him since Tuesday night.

More importantly, I specifically told Wes (Matthews) that I would not hold him to his commitment if he wanted to go elsewhere. I can't print his exact response, but suffice it to say he is excited to play for our Mavs. Wes Matthews is exactly the type of player we want in a Mavs uniform and our fans will love him.

He will be in Dallas today so if you see him give him a MFFL welcome.

Whether Cuban was actually driving around and trying to get Jordan's address is unknown, but at the very least, he was likely trying hard to get into contact with his biggest free agent signing. Jordan apparently wasn't answering calls from Mavs forward Chandler Parsons, who played a huge part in recruiting Jordan to the Mavs initially:

Jordan apparently froze out the Mavs and his agent while he met with the Clippers. The Clippers even took some further measures to ensure their privacy during the meeting:

The whole scenario is a disaster for the Mavericks, who now don't have a center and have very few backup options with most of the best free agents already signed and very few trade assets.

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