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Marissa Mayer Is One Of TIME's 100 Most Influential

Apr 18, 2013, 20:52 IST

Fortune Live MediaTIME magazine just named Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer one of its 100 most influential people.


Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt wrote the Mayer blurb for TIME.

It concludes:

As one of the most influential female CEOs in the world, she’s a pathbreaker and a trailblazer and an inspiration to women everywhere. But when I think back to our time working together, the gender distinction melts away. She is simply one of the smartest, most talented leaders the tech world has ever known. Google was lucky to have her help us grow into what we became, and Yahoo is lucky to have her taking them someplace new. But really, it’s those millions of people who are looking for information — for answers — who benefit most. Because of everything Marissa has done and will do in the future, their search is infinitely more likely to produce positive results.

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