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Marissa Mayer Is Finally Updating Yahoo Finance, Though Today's Launch Has Been Delayed

Nov 6, 2013, 20:55 IST


Yahoo planned to roll-out a redesigned version of Yahoo Finance this morning, but the launch has been delayed.


The Wall Street Journal's Douglas MacMillan broke the news.

MacMillan says the new site will feature a personalized news feed - a big feature of many recent Yahoo site re-designs under CEO Marissa Mayer.

He also writes, "When the redesign goes live, visitors to Yahoo Finance will find a markets page that compares leading stock indexes and the day's biggest winners and losers, along with a portfolio tracker - powered by financial-data provider SigFig - for keeping quick tabs on the stocks people own."

We've heard Yahoo is poking around the startup world, seeing if it can buy a company to help it better aggregate news on Yahoo Finance - maybe with the help of users.


Yahoo Finance is a important brand for Yahoo. It's one of the few that isn't dependend on Yahoo email users for traffic. Sports is another big one.

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