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Margot Robbie says she wants to play Harley Quinn from 'Suicide Squad' 'forever'

Aug 8, 2016, 20:31 IST

Warner Bros.

Critics aren't exactly thrilled about "Suicide Squad," but one thing they seem to agree on is that Margot Robbie is a standout.


Good thing, too, because a standalone Harley Quinn film is apparently in the works.

Fortunately, the actress can't get enough of playing the kooky character. When asked by ComicBook.com how long she hopes to play Harley Quinn, Robbie replied, "I hope forever."

"I really, I could play Harley for a long time. I don't know how long. We've signed on, I mean I think everyone's committed to a couple of films," Robbie told ComicBook. "There's so much you can do. They're the sort of characters that you could keep exploring and find so many more, so much more to do."

DC Comics and Warner Bros. would like to turn the characters into a lucrative franchise, despite the critical beating "Squad" has taken. Actor Jai Courtney suggests that all the stars are signed on for "a few movies." So here's hoping they appreciate that Robbie is the real gem.


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