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MARCO RUBIO: 'America Is Exceptional Because We Believe That Every Life, At Every Stage, Is Precious'

Grace Wyler   

MARCO RUBIO: 'America Is Exceptional Because We Believe That Every Life, At Every Stage, Is Precious'

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Courtesy of MSNBC

marco rubio state of the union

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio began his State of the Union response Tuesday night with a direct overture to his party's social conservative base, emphasizing his pro-life stance at the outset of his speech.

"The State of the Union address is always a reminder of how unique America is," Rubio began, after congratulating Obama on his second term. "But America is exceptional because we believe that every life, at every stage, is precious, and that everyone everywhere has a God-given right to go as far as their talents and hard work will take them."

While it is not surprising that Rubio mentioned position on abortion, the primacy of his pro-life message will likely raise eyebrows, given the GOP's attempts to shift away from social issues.

But with all eyes in the Republican Party on Rubio Tuesday— and all minds on the 2016 presidential race — it is understandable that the Florida Senator would seize the opportunity to brush up his conservative credentials with the party's base.


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