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Man Sits Behind Ex-CIA Director On The Train, Eavesdrops, And Live-Tweets His Conversation

Man Sits Behind Ex-CIA Director On The Train, Eavesdrops, And Live-Tweets His Conversation


Tom Matzzie/Twitter

Ex CIA/NSA Chief Michael Hayden and Tom Matzzie

Former Director of the CIA and head of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden had his cover blown today on the Acela train by Tom Matzzie, a political strategist who used to run the D.C. branch of, according to Dylan Matthews at The Washington Post.

Hayden was on a call with reporters and was speaking under the condition of anonymity, intending to be cited only as "a former senior administration official."

Matzzie didn't just recognize him, he live-tweeted the conversation, and made some great quips about when he was going to get rendered for live-tweeting the private conversations of a man who was among the most powerful on the planet.

So the former top spy in the world had his cover blown by Matzzie. Does that make Matzzie the top spy in the world now?

Matzzie's tweets are awesome:


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