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Majority Of Americans Are Satisfied With Their Healthcare

Leslie Baehr   

Majority Of Americans Are Satisfied With Their Healthcare

A new Gallup survey of 1,542 Americans released Monday, March 17, says 66% of those in the U.S. are satisfied with their current healthcare.

The poll asked if the participants had health insurance and asked: "Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with how the healthcare system is working for you?"

Here are the findings:

Here are the results by age:

And by political party:

Having healthcare was a major determinant of participants' satisfaction, a full third of participants without health insurance said they were satisfied.

The recent survey also found that the young and old were most likely to be satisfied, as were democrats over republicans.

Gallup concluded that most Americans do not think the national healthcare system is in a state of crisis.

However, they note that when it comes to the Affordable Care Act, "with one in three Americans, including the majority of those without insurance, dissatisfied with the way the system is working for them, there is obvious need for this type of help."

Gallup said the results were in line with a similar survey conducted last November which indicated "79% rated the quality of healthcare they received as excellent or good, 69% rated their personal healthcare coverage as excellent or good, and 59% were satisfied with the total cost they paid for healthcare."


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