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In Ranchi, Subodh Kant Sahay of Congress faces stiff competition from ruling BJP and independents

May 6, 2019, 11:22 IST
Shibu Soren, Hemant Soren (JMM), Ajay Kumar, Subodh Kant Sahay (Congress), Babulal Marandi (JVM-P) during a joint press conference, in Ranchi, on March 24, 2019. The Congress, the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) and the Jharkhand Vikas Morcha-Prajatantrik (JVM-P) announced an alliance in the state for the Lok Sabha battle but the RJD boycotted the deal after it was given only one seat to contestIANS

In Ranchi, Jharkhand, Subodh Kant Sahay is contesting against Sanjay Seth of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party among 18 other contesting candidates.

Name Of CandidateParty AffiliationSymbol Allotted
BIDYADHAR PRASADBahujan Samaj PartyElephant
SANJAY SETHBharatiya Janata PartyLotus
SUBODH KANT SAHAYIndian National CongressHand
AMAR KUMAR MAHTORepublican Party of India (A)Carrom Board
ALOK KUMARRashtriya Jansangharsh Swaraj PartyPINEAPPLE
RANJIT MAHTOPeoples Party of India (Democratic)Black Board
RAMJIT MAHTOProutist Sarva SamajPlastering Trowel
VIKAS CHANDRA SHARMACommunist Party of India (Marxist- Leninist) Red StarSaw

SUNITA MUNDAAmbedkarite Party of IndiaCoat
ANJANI PANDEYIndependentHelicopter
JITENDRA THAKURIndependentRoom Cooler
NAND KISHOR YADAVIndependentAuto- Rickshaw
RAJU MAHTOIndependentHarmonium
RAJESH KUMARIndependentViolin
RAJESH THAPAIndependentNoodles Bowl
RAM TAHAL CHOUDHARYIndependentFootball
SATISH SINGHIndependentGas Cylinder
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