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LIVE: Trump and Kim Jong Un meet for the first time in historic Singapore summit

Jun 12, 2018, 05:58 IST

It could happen.Business Insider


US President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un are set to meet at the lavish Capella Hotel in Singapore today for a historic first-time meeting between the two leaders.

The US initially wanted the talks to center on the denuclearization of North Korea, but the two countries have different definitions of what denuclearization would involve and the talks may now just be seen by the Trump administration as the first step towards some form of denuclearization.

Trump and Kim will first meet at 9 a.m. local time on Tuesday for a handshake and the first photo of a North Korean leader ever meeting a sitting US president.

The two leaders will then have a one-on-one meeting accompanied only by translators, followed by more bilateral talks with several key US figures, including John Bolton, John Kelly, and Mike Pompeo present. A working lunch is expected to follow.


Here's how the events are unfolding live:

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