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Live like British royalty in this historic country mansion, which just hit the market for $43.7 million

Apr 27, 2016, 21:22 IST


Now you can live out your royal fantasies in style: an English country estate and polo club that was once frequented by Queen Elizabeth II and owned by her grandparents has been listed for a reported $43.7 million.


The 73,000-square-foot mansion in Hertfordshire comes with 232 acres of prime park land and a fully functioning private polo club. The listing notes that the land has no public access rights, which is unusual for an estate of this size - and ideal for anyone seeking privacy while riding horseback through the wooded property, or hunting and fishing in the extensive parkland and on the River Lea.

As for the eight-bedroom formal mansion house, which was built in the 1730s, it's been renovated and extended since the last sale in 1997. There are eight estate cottages as well, which can be rented out to offset costs for laborious estate upkeep.

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