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Linguists explain why Sarah Palin has such an emotional connection with her audience

Linguists explain why Sarah Palin has such an emotional connection with her audience

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Scott Olson/Getty Images

When you think of Sarah Palin's speech, a few features tend to stand out. Her unique accent, for example, or her folksy expressions like "Joe Six-Pack" and "hockey mom."

The former Alaska governor reemerged last week with a one-of-a-kind speech endorsing Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, drawing renewed attention to her curious rhetorical style.

But researchers have identified one aspect of Palin's speech that is particularly distinctive. And though it probably goes unnoticed by most listeners, it may be the most powerful speaking technique in her arsenal.

Take these quotes from Palin's speech endorsing Trump:

"It's why we see these lousy trade deals that gut our industry for special interests elsewhere."

"Now they're concerned about this ideological purity?"

"They've been wearing this political correctness kind of like a suicide vest."
"I'm going to tell you about that libertarian streak in him."

And this one from a campaign rally the next day, when Palin addressed her son's arrest:

"I can certainly relate with other families who kind of feel these ramifications of some PTSD."

In each of these quotes, Palin is using a particular set of words: "this," "that," "these," and "those." Linguists call these demonstratives, or "pointing words."

Take, for example, when Palin said 2008 GOP nominee John McCain "sounded that warning bell" in 2008. It was as if she were pointing to something both she and her audience were familiar with.

"We all know the warning bell she's talking about, right?" wrote linguist Mark Liberman on the blog Language Log. "That one over there, always in the back of our shared experience."

Linguists Eric Acton and Christopher Potts also argued in their 2014 study that Palin was using demonstratives as a way to establish common ground with her audience, as if the two parties have some sort of "private shared knowledge" to draw upon.

sarah palin

T.J. Kirkpatrick/Getty Images

As it turns out, Palin is a prolific user of this rhetorical strategy.

In an analysis of dozens of Palin's interviews and TV appearances, Acton and Potts also found that Palin used demonstratives at nearly double the clip of her political peers.

And Liberman found that in Palin's most high-profile speaking event, the 2008 vice presidential debate, Palin used as many as 15 times the demonstratives as her opponent, Joe Biden.

They included gems like these:

"Americans are craving that straight talk."

"Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars."

"It was Barack Obama who voted for that energy plan that gave those tax breaks to the oil companies."

By using demonstratives, whether intentionally or not, Palin evokes a powerful mutuality between the audience and herself - that is, if the audience already likes her.

"I think of it like giving a hug," Acton told Business Insider. "If you hug someone who shares a sense of fellow feeling with you, it can strengthen your bond. But if you hug someone who is not interested in being close to you, you'll be lucky if you merely annoy that person."

Assuming too much common ground can backfire, Acton added. While demonstratives can help a speaker strengthen a bond with the audience, using them could come off as "phony and presumptuous" to people who disagree with the speaker.

The strong emotional appeal in Palin's language is part of the reason she is such a provocative figure, Acton said.

It's no surprise that she's found her way into the spotlight again.

NOW WATCH: Watch Tina Fey take on Sarah Palin's Trump endorsement speech on SNL

