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LINDSEY GRAHAM: FBI Should Have Warned Boston Bomber, 'What The Hell Is Going On Here? We're Watching You'

Brett LoGiurato   

LINDSEY GRAHAM: FBI Should Have Warned Boston Bomber, 'What The Hell Is Going On Here? We're Watching You'

Lindsey Graham Boston bomber


U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday criticized the U.S.'s information-sharing system during the investigation into dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Graham said the system failed in keeping tabs on the dangerous Tsarnaev, calling on agencies like the FBI, CIA, and Department of Homeland Security to "up our game."

"When one of these guys goes into the system and they leave the country, we need to make sure where they're going and interview them," Graham said on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"And when somebody in the database like this begins to openly interact with radical Islamist websites, an FBI agent should knock on his door and say, 'You told us before that you wanted to be an Olympic boxer. You love this country. What the hell is going on here? We're watching you.'"

Graham has been especially critical of the FBI, which he said Sunday didn't share initial information it gathered on Tsarnaev with a fusion cell in Boston. When Tsarnaev traveled to Russia in 2012, the Department of Homeland Security failed to share that information with the FBI and CIA.

Graham said that every agency missed Tsarnaev's activity on YouTube, which he said involved interacting with "radical Islamic videos."

"It's a failure to share information and missing obvious warning signs," Graham said. "We're going back to the pre-9/11 stove-piping."

Watch the video below, via CBS:


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