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Lindsay Lohan Fired Her Lawyer Right Before Her 20th Court Appearance

Jan 15, 2013, 22:57 IST

Lindsay Lohan has fired her attorney Shawn Holley, who has kept her out of jail on several different occasions, TMZ and ABC 7 New York report.


Lohan, 26, will be arraigned Tuesday in Los Angeles on charges of lying to the police, violating her probation, and reckless driving, according to ABC 7.

A number of sources are saying it will be the former child star's 20th court appearance in six years.

Lohan's Porsche reportedly slammed into a dump truck last summer while she and her assistant were on their way to shoot a scene for the movie "Liz and Dick." Although she told police she wasn't the one driving the Porsche, authorities allege otherwise.

At the time of the accident, she was on probation for a 2011 jewelry theft case. Her probation was revoked last month, and she could be sentenced to 245 days in jail if a judge decides she violated her probation, ABC 7 reported.


She faces criminal prosecution in New York and L.A., with attorney Mark Heller representing her in a New York assault case. Lohan was arrested in November after an alleged fight with another woman in a night club.

Heller sent Holley a letter saying that he would now be representing Lohan in all criminal matters, a source told TMZ.

Sources tell TMZ that Lohan may have made a big mistake by firing Holley, who managed to keep her out of the slammer on a number of occasions.

SEE ALSO: A Younger Lindsay Lohan Said She'd Be Good At Teaching Ethics

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