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Here’s how to begin 2017 on a healthy note

Here’s how to begin 2017 on a healthy note
The New Year 2017 is almost here and many of us have already started updating our bucket list, striking off the ‘done’ things, and adding new resolutions and goals. Everyone wants to stay healthy and happy and if this tops your agenda also, start from Day 1. As per many experts, if you want to start something in the New Year, start from Day 1 as you will remain enthusiastic for rest of the year. Just don’t lose focus. You can start the New Year on a healthy note and this doesn’t mean you have to end up doing rigorous workouts. Start slow and build up. Keep achievable targets Of course, everything that you want to do involves determination and hardwork and here’s how you can start your 2017 on a healthy and fit note


Aerobics is a fun way to lose extra kilos and quite effective too. You can start with light aerobic exercises and increase the intensity as you start gaining stamina. To make things interesting, you can join a group too.


Don’t fret as yet. We are not asking you to lift heavy weights from Day 1. Start with stretching, walking, cycling, etc. Keep adding exercises as you progress.

Try different workouts

Try different workouts

To make things interesting, mix two-three types of workouts in one session. You won’t get bored and this will help you in losing weight faster. You can also alternate between fast-paced aerobic exercise and slow ones. You will burn more calories.

Exhaust whatever muscle you're working

Exhaust whatever muscle you

Do you get a sensation after doing lunges? This means, you've reached your anaerobic threshold — you've worked out hard, burnt more calories and you are on the right track.

Eat clean

Eat clean
Promise yourself you will eat healthy and clean. Ditch oily and junk food for a healthy lifestyle.

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