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5 things you should do to boost your self-esteem instantly


5 things you should do to boost your self-esteem instantly

Learn to ignore:

Learn to ignore:
People who you should actually listen to should be your family or close friends. Rest should not matter. People have a habit of being over-critical and you have to overcome this. You should learn to turn a deaf ear to unwanted elements in your life.

Move over your past:

Move over your past:
Everyone learns from their mistakes and let your past be there. You learnt a lesson and have an experience now. Don’t bring it in your present or future. Improve and focus ahead.

Stop comparing

Stop comparing
This is the biggest mistake you are making. You know what you can do and what you are capable of. We are different individuals. Focus on your own learning curve and achieve your own gaols. Stop comparing if you want to boost self-confidence.

Learn to take compliments:

Learn to take compliments:
Don’t shy away from compliments. You are on a right track.

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