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5 issues from 2016 that were forgotten, but will continue to haunt India in 2017

5 issues from 2016 that were forgotten, but will continue to haunt India in 2017
We are ushering in the New Year, but the baggage of 2016 will continue in 2017 too. There were several issues in 2016 that enraged the entire nation, lead to controversies, hogged prime time news debates, etc but were forgotten towards the fag end of 2016. 2016 has a long list of burning issues such as rapes, murders, cheating, fraud, militant attacks, political debacles and caught our attention. But, do you still remember or care about them? What about India-Pakistan ties, Pakistani actors banned in India and vice-versa, etc? Like it or not, we love our share of controversies and yes we let them die an easy death. Here is a list of top 5 national issues that hogged limelight but are forgotten now, but will continue to remain controversial issues even in 2017:

Delhi pollution

Delhi pollution
Post Diwali, India’s national capital was engulfed in smog. The concentration of pollutants in the air increased drastically as the PM 2.5 levels reached to 1,238 as compared to the permissible level of less than 10. The Centre, Delhi Government swung into action for a brief period and now everything is back to square one. What about the pollution now?

Vijay Mallya

Vijay Mallya
The issue has watered down a lot, thanks to demonetization as banks are now engaged in providing enough cash to the common man. Mallya was under constant limelight in the middle of the year but now, who cares, right?

Encounter of 8 SIMI activists

Encounter of 8 SIMI activists
Eight SIMI activists, after killing a constable, managed to escaped the Central Jail of Bhopal and were then killed in an encounter. The opposition was clamouring about it, alleging it to be a fake encounter. The encounter was on national tv and prime time but now is totally out of our minds.

Missing JNU student

Missing JNU student
A student from JNU, Najeeb Ahmad, went missing from the campus on October 15 after he got into a tussle with ABVP. The issue became of national interest for quite a few weeks and now no one talking about it. Social media was flooded with posts that showed how students’ unions of JNU were protesting and how Najeeb’s mother was ill treated. The whole nation was feeling her pain. It was a national issue for sometime but then people got back to their normal lives and now very few care about the fact that Najeeb is still missing.

Kashmir unrest

Kashmir unrest
The Valley has been burning in the flames of hatred and politics. Since the death of Burhan Wani, Kashmir has been on the boil and is shut since 122 days now. Stone pelting kashmiris on one side and security forces holding pellet guns on the other. A lot of images surfaced on social media describing the barbaric way in which Kashmiris were being treated and vice-versa. Separatists also fanned the issue, where are they now?

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