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Leonardo DiCaprio To Produce A Film Where A Bunch Of Wall Street People Mysteriously Turn Up Dead

Sep 19, 2013, 20:14 IST

"The Great Gatsby"Leonardo DiCaprio is already set to grace the screen in The Wolf of Wall Street, an upcoming highly-anticipated Martin Scorsese film about a 90s-era pump and dump firm.


Now it looks like Leo has caught the finance bug. Deadline is reporting that DiCaprio will produce an adaptation of Wall Street thriller novel Graveland by Alan Glynn.

Here's Deadline's synopsis:

The novel is a murder mystery that begins with the discovery of a dead Wall Street investment banker, who was shot while jogging in Central Park. Later that day, a top hedge-fund managers is gunned down outside a restaurant. A female investigative journalist is on the trail as bodies pile up and she tries to figure out if terrorists are killing the financial industry's best and brightest, or if someone is holding accountable those who engaged in Wall Street corruption.

Sounds like our kind of movie.


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