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Learn The Secrets Of The Malaysian BBQ Chain That's Taking Over New York

Feb 14, 2013, 04:25 IST

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When Zak Pelaccio opened Fatty Crab in Manhattan's West Village in 2005, it wasn't clear that it was the beginning of a small food empire that continues to grow and mature.


Fatty Crab now boasts three locations in Manhattan, a Williamsburg offshoot called Fatty 'Cue (currently closed for renovations) and most recently, a more upscale version of the Brooklyn BBQ-joint back near the original Fatty Crab.

Rumor has it that Pelaccio may be planning a further expansion of the Fatty line to Hong Kong and he is also working on a small upscale restaurant in the Hudson Valley, but this one, like his contemporary American establishment 5 Ninth, will not be part of the Fatty family.

How do you take Malaysian Street-food inspired fusion BBQ into the upscale Manhattan food scene?

We spoke with Fatty 'Cue West Village's chef de cuisine Anthony Masters to find out.



Produced by Daniel Goodman

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