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What it's like inside the 'Alcatraz of the Rockies,' America's toughest prison

A typical cell in a General Population Unit (gen pop).

What it's like inside the 'Alcatraz of the Rockies,' America's toughest prison

Another angle of the cell.

Another angle of the cell.

Prisoners spend 22 to 24 hours a day confined to these rooms.

Prisoners spend 22 to 24 hours a day confined to these rooms.

The doors in gen pop have slats, so prisoners can see outside their cells and interact.

The doors in gen pop have slats, so prisoners can see outside their cells and interact.

Here's the Control Unit, one of the ADX's most restrictive areas along with the Solitary Housing Unit (SHU) and Range 13. The doors barely have windows.


Prisoners in the Control Unit exercise alone and have no contact with anyone other than staff.

Prisoners in the Control Unit exercise alone and have no contact with anyone other than staff.

The cells in SHU have concrete cots, adjacent to toilets, and only a small window.

The cells in SHU have concrete cots, adjacent to toilets, and only a small window.

The ADX allows gen pop prisoners up to 10 hours of out-of-cell exercise in two-hour slots five days a week, alternating between indoor and outdoor exercise. Some outdoor exercise happens in these cages.

The ADX allows gen pop prisoners up to 10 hours of out-of-cell exercise in two-hour slots five days a week, alternating between indoor and outdoor exercise. Some outdoor exercise happens in these cages.

These outdoor recreation cages are for prisoners in the Step Down Program, which allows inmates to transfer to less restrictive areas.

These outdoor recreation cages are for prisoners in the Step Down Program, which allows inmates to transfer to less restrictive areas.

The outdoor recreation area in the Control Unit has only one pull-up bar.

The outdoor recreation area in the Control Unit has only one pull-up bar.

Indoor exercise for gen pop takes place in a similar space. Inmates may also have their exercise privileges suspended for up to three months at a time for minor violations, like feeding crumbs to birds.

Indoor exercise for gen pop takes place in a similar space. Inmates may also have their exercise privileges suspended for up to three months at a time for minor violations, like feeding crumbs to birds.

During social visits, inmates use a telephone to communicate through a glass pane. Guards may shackle their ankles the entire time.

During social visits, inmates use a telephone to communicate through a glass pane. Guards may shackle their ankles the entire time.

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