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LaVar Ball was roasted on 'Saturday Night Live' for taking his sons to play in Lituania

Jan 16, 2018, 22:59 IST

Saturday Night Live / YouTube

  • Kenan Thompson once again brought out his LaVar Ball impersonation for "Saturday Night Live" this past week.
  • His second appearance on "Weekend Update," Thompson roasted Ball for his "NEVAH LOST" mantra as well as his recent decision to take his sons to play in Lithuania.
  • With Ball continuing to make headlines and the sketch continuing to get laughs, chances are this isn't the last we've seen of Ball on "SNL."

With LaVar Ball's bombast and knack for getting on camera, he is a character ripe for parody.

In recent weeks, Ball has made headlines for claiming that Luke Walton had lost the Lakers' locker room, as well as convinced over 100,000 people to stream a basketball game over Facebook that was really just an ad for his Big Baller Brand. He's such a story that ESPN sent a reporter and camera crew to Lithuania to cover him and his two sons as they make their professional debuts in Eastern Europe.

With all this in mind, it was no surprise when "Saturday Night Live" decided to bring out Kenan Thompson's "LaVar Ball" impersonation for a second time this past weekend. Similar to his first appearance as the larger-than-life basketball patriarch, Thompson showed a deft ability to match Ball in his mannerisms and machismo.

"How you doing Michael?" he greeted "Weekend Update" anchor Michael Che, cutting him off before he could reply, "Me? I'm amazing."

He then listed off a string of Ball-esque claims of grandiosity. "I'm a multi-billionaire! I own 16 Toyota Corollas! And I'm the only man in history to out-pizza the hut."

"NEVAH LOST," Thompson added with emphasis.

He then takes Che through the Ball's time in Lithuania, as well as the Big Baller Brand's recent "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau.

You can watch the sketch below.

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