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A relationship expert reveals the 3 signs your new relationship will last

1. You don't get butterflies when you think about the other person.

A relationship expert reveals the 3 signs your new relationship will last

2. Time flies when you're together.

2. Time flies when you

It's normal to want to spend all your time with the new person you're dating at the beginning.

But it's important that the time you spend together seems to go by really quickly.

If time seems to lag, or you're counting down the minutes until your dinner date ends, that could be a sign your new relationship won't last too long.

"Good matches are people you have good conversation with, and time flies," Goldstein explained. "At the end of the day, you're with this person for a really long time, and you have to have enough to talk about."

New relationships are more likely to last not only if you can't get enough of the other person, but also if you feel like your time together goes by in the blink of an eye.

3. You have a ton of things in common.

3. You have a ton of things in common.

For a relationship to last, it's not vital to date someone who's exactly like you. But, it is important for you two to have a lot of common interests, according to Goldstein.

That way, you're more likely to do activities together (like going to sporting events or checking out a concert you're both excited about).

It also means that your conversations will flow, your time together will feel more effortless and you're less likely to get bored with one another.

"If you're fishing for things to have in common, it's typically not a good sign," the matchmaker said. "Ideally you just happen to have things in common with each other, and it feels like a good fit."

One way to tell that you don't have much in common is if your conversations seem to only revolve around work, Goldstein added.

"A lot of people go on dates and talk about their jobs too much. You're not the best match if that's all you have in common," she said.

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