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10 things 'Back to the Future II' got totally wrong about 2015

Flying cars.

10 things 'Back to the Future II' got totally wrong about 2015

Functional hoverboards.

Functional hoverboards.

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We've made progress on this front. Lexus made a hoverboard prototype over the summer, and other start-ups are working to create a hoverboard too. But we are far away from creating a hoverboard that works as well as the ones in "Back to the Future II."

Smart clothing, like self-lacing sneakers and self-drying clothing.

Smart clothing, like self-lacing sneakers and self-drying clothing.

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Nike has teased that they will be releasing self-lacing sneakers this year, be we have yet to see them.

Robots performing everyday tasks.

Robots performing everyday tasks.

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The movie shows robots pumping gas and walking dogs. There's even a roaming robot trash can. Companies, especially Alphabet, have made massive strides in creating robots that can perform a variety of tasks. But we have yet to see them become a part of our everyday life.

Wearable tech that gives you super strength.

Wearable tech that gives you super strength.

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"Chicken, McFly?!"

When Griff goes to fight Marty's son, he's wearing a bracelet that amps up his strength. The wearable tech causes cyborg noises to emanate whenever he cleches his fist. The movie might have been wrong about 2015 being the year technology would make bullying easier, but hats off for guessing 2015 would be the year wearable tech is big.

Food hydrators.

Food hydrators.

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The 2015 version of "Back to the Future II" has food hydrators capable of taking a small, frozen pizza and making it into a dinner in a matter of seconds.

Fax machines being everywhere.

Fax machines being everywhere.

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"Back to the Future II" put a lot of stock in fax machines becoming a primary mode of communication. Fax machines are practically ancient technology these days.

Hologram advertisements.

Hologram advertisements.

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"Back to the Future II" was really into holograms. The movie theater in the film is called the holomax and advertisements are displayed in hologram form.

Advanced house tech, like fruit trays coming down from the ceiling

Advanced house tech, like fruit trays coming down from the ceiling

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"Hey, fruit!"

The movie also shows windows being replaced by scenery screens and artificial intelligence that will announce when you're home.

The ability to pay for things with our fingerprint.

The ability to pay for things with our fingerprint.

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"Back to the Future II" was right that people in 2015 would use fingerprint technology, but we are still far off from using it for everyday tasks like paying for a taxi cab. However, some mobile payment systems like Apple Pay are getting us close.
