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Larry Page Tells Wall Street This Could Be His Last Google Earnings Call For A While

Oct 18, 2013, 02:23 IST

Julie Bort/Business InsiderGoogle CEO Larry Page

Google is reporting its third quarter earnings right now and CEO Larry Page just told Wall Street that this would be his last conference call for a while.


"Going forward I won't be joining every earnings call," Page said in a quiet, shaky voice.

It sounded a little like a good-bye since he thanked employees after.

His CFO and chief business officer are "depending on me to prioritize my time," he said.

Page's decision shouldn't cause investors to worry. It stems from Page's paralyzed vocal chords, which he's previously disclosed. He has something called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.


Hashimoto's is "an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is attacked by a variety of cell and antibody-mediated immune processes," according to Wikipedia.

Page has described it as a "fairly common benign inflammatory condition of the thyroid which causes me no problems."

It isn't necessary for CEOs to report company earnings. Steve Jobs didn't handle Apple's earnings calls and Jeff Bezos doesn't do Amazon's. Even after the announcement, Google's stock soared.

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