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Kobe Bryant Motivated A Teammate With An Analogy About Nike And Lululemon

Kobe Bryant Motivated A Teammate With An Analogy About Nike And Lululemon

Kobe Bryant Lakers changes next year

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Los Angeles Lakers guard Darius Morris says Kobe Bryant used a business analogy to motivate him this year.

At his exit interview with the LA media today, Morris said he sat next to Kobe all year on the team plane and gleaned a lot of knowledge from him.

As Mike Trudell of Time Warner SportsNet reports, Kobe told Morris an anecdote about Nike and Lululemon during a particular rough patch.

When Morris was out of the rotation, Kobe told him that while Lululemon gained market share in the women's clothing market, Nike always kept the big picture in mind.

From Trudell, "But the point, to Morris, was no matter what happens within a practice, a game, a season ... always focus on the big picture."

Kobe's analogy might not be entirely on point.

Nike has built a formidable women's yoga line, and they're well-positioned to take over any ground Lululemon gives up in the next few months.

But the more general point is that Morris shouldn't question himself and change what he does every time a new challenge emerges.


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