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Ken Griffin says his soon-to-be-ex-wife is requesting $6,800 a month for goceries

Feb 24, 2015, 00:41 IST

Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin claims that his soon-to-be-ex-wife is requesting $1 million per month in living expenses/child support, CNBC's Robert Frank reports citing court documents.


According to CNBC, some of the alleged expenses Dias-Griffin is requesting include $6,800 on groceries, $7,200 for meals and $8,000 for gifts. The monthly expenses also include $300,000 intercontinental private jet travel and $60,000 for private staff, the report said.

Griffin also claims that Dias-Griffin wanted $450,000 for a St. Bart's vacation over winter break. He forked over $45,000 for that vacation instead, the report said.

Dias-Griffin didn't deny those expenses, CNBC pointed out.

Last July, Griffin filed for divorce from his wife of 11 years, Dias-Griffin, while she was on summer vacation with their three children.


Griffin, 46, is the founder of hedge fund giant Citadel LLC. Dias-Griffin, 44, was born in France. She is the founder of the hedge fund firm Aragon Global Management.

Dias-Griffin later filed a petition seeking equitable division of their assets and sole custody of their children. She asked for their prenup thrown out.

Under the terms of the prenup, Dias-Griffin said that she will receive 1 percent of Griffin's assets. Griffin has an estimated net worth of $6.5 billion, according to Forbes.

Griffin and Dias-Griffin were married in Versailles in July 2003. This is the second divorce for Griffin. He divorced his first wife in 1994.

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