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'Just in case he wins': Royal Jordanian airlines wants you to buy tickets to the US 'while you're still allowed to'

Nov 8, 2016, 20:44 IST

As Americans head to the polls on Tuesday, at least one airline is hoping to capitalize on the outcome.


Royal Jordanian airlines put out the ad below early on Tuesday morning, encouraging potential passengers to "Travel to the US while you're still allowed to!"

An ad put out by Royal Jordanian airlines on Election Day 2016.Royal Jordanian airlines

Earlier in his campaign for president, Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the US, and the Republican candidate has said he wants to subject immigrants to ideological litmus tests, what he calls "extreme vetting," to prove they don't sympathize with terrorist groups like ISIS.

He has modified that stance somewhat, saying it would only apply to immigrants from "terror states" and that he would not admit refugees without "community support."


The proposal has attracted criticism since Trump first broached it.

At one point, even Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, spoke out against it, and just hours before the voting started a group of political scientists cited the proposed ban as one way Trump was endangering American democracy.

NOW WATCH: Clinton and Trump's final ads perfectly explain how different they are

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