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JR Smith Is Talking A Ton Of Trash After Getting Suspended For Elbowing A Celtics Player In The Face

May 1, 2013, 20:44 IST

Bruce Bennett/Getty ImagesJR Smith was suspended for Game 4 of the Knicks-Celtics series, which Boston won 97-90 in overtime.


Now, on the eve of Game 5 back in New York, Smith is taunting Terry and the Celtics with some trash talk.

It's generally harmless.

When asked about Terry's solid Game 4 performance by Amalie Benjamin of the Boston Globe, Smith replied, "Who? I don’t even know who that is."

He continued to pretend he never met Terry throughout the entire interview.


He also said that the Knicks would have swept the series if he hadn't been suspended, saying, "Oh, yeah. It would have been over. I would have been playing golf today."

JR has had the best year of his career on the court, while managing to avoid any major controversies off it. This has clearly boosted his already sky-high confidence.

He was also asked if he learned anything his suspension, and replied, "Yeah, don't throw elbows,"

Game 5 is tonight:

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