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Jon Stewart Crushed Ted Cruz Last Night, The 'Most Hated Man In The Senate'

Walter Hickey   

Jon Stewart Crushed Ted Cruz Last Night, The 'Most Hated Man In The Senate'

Last night on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart mocked freshman Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the firebrand conservative whose pugnacious style has been criticized by both Democrats and Republicans.

Calling Cruz the "The Most Hated Man in the Senate" — a title which Stewart compared to "the lowest-rated show on NBC" — Stewart alleged the Texas Tea Party favorite has touted conspiracy theories and smeared his colleagues on the Senate floor.

Cruz is reportedly considering a bid for the presidency. However, Stewart noted, Cruz was born in Canada

"Our beloved Texas freedom fighter is nothing but a dirty syrup guzzler!" Stewart said. "What a terrible twist, eh?

Watch the whole segment:

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