"It is disturbing to witness a respected media outlet like Politico completely misrepresent Senator McCain's positions as it did in an article today," Rogers said. "The article, which is entirely based upon an anonymous attack against Senator McCain by 'an administration official,' asserts that Senator McCain has called for 'the invasions of North Korea and Iran' - neither of which are true."
The article, which was written by Edward-Isaac Dovere, discussed McCain's consistent criticism of President Barack Obama's foreign policy positions. It was published online Wednesday evening and appeared in print Thursday. Dovere's story described the Republican senator as having "a dependable view" that "American military or military assistance" should "be dispatched around the globe." As evidence of this, Dovere pointed to, "the military assistance McCain's called for to be sent to the Ukrainian and Malian armies and the rebels in Syria, the invasions of North Korea and Iran and the bigger force he would have sent into Libya."
Politico subsequently changed that line of the story and replaced it by noting, "the military assistance McCain's called for to be sent to the Ukrainian and Malian armies and the rebels in Syria, being ready to pull the trigger on Iran, the shooting down of North Korean missiles and the more sustained force he would have sent into Libya." A correction was also added to the story admitting it initially "misstated some of the military involvement Sen. John McCain has proposed."
In spite of the correction, McCain's office was clearly still upset with the story. In addition to his complaint about Politico's description of the senator's positions on Iran and North Korea, Rogers suggested the story should have
"Further, it is unfortunate that Politico reports uncritically the administration official's conflation of Senator McCain's support of military assistance programs for countries such as Ukraine, Syria and Mali that are struggling against aggression by our adversaries, with direct U.S. military involvement and fighting wars without end," said Rogers.
Rogers' statement didn't stop there. He concluded by taking a few more shots at the story and at the foreign policy speech President Obama gave at West Point on Wednesday.
"As is clear to any objective observer of the record, Senator McCain hasn't supported invasions of any of these countries. Suggesting otherwise is the height of intellectual dishonesty, much like we heard from President Obama yesterday at West Point, in a speech full of attacks on proverbial straw men," said Rogers. "Our country needs an honest debate about America's role in this dangerous world, not outright untruths and distortions of positions held by those who disagree with the Administration."
Dovere did not respond to a request for comment on Rogers' statement from Business Insider.